Plastic Free Nursery

Posted on October 29, 2021

The big news of the moment is of course, 'Global Warming'; making our lives more sustainable, wasting less & reusing as much as we can. The first Earthshot Prize awards have been held in London with the support of the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, wider television programming is planned in the coming months focusing on Protecting our Planet and the much talked about COP26 launches this Sunday in Glasgow.  Those involved are acutely aware of how these issues may impact on the younger generation, children attending nurseries like ours. 

For a while now, we have been quietly looking at how Incy Wincy’s can become more sustainable and as plastic free as possible.

We have slowly been making small changes to our purchasing and finding alternatives for the small amount of single use plastic we still have within the nursery. 

We’re always looking for new ways to make changes for the benefit of the planet and our children’s future. Now we would very much like you as parents and carers to join us, if it is something you feel strongly about.

We have signed up to complete the objectives for Plastic Free Nurseries (Surfers Against Sewage) and one of these objectives is to sign up a team of supporters to help us.

We will be looking at the objectives with children across the nursery, finding fun & educational ways in which they can help us meet these.

If you would like to support us in achieving Plastic Free Nursery status please do let us know.