The Parent Forum
Building a Community
Incy Wincy’s Parent Forum was established in 2013 and invites parents to come along and feel a part of their child’s nursery. Being involved can make a difference to their child’s development, building a strong and healthy nursery community. We have no doubt that the forum adds to our effectiveness, helping us meet the needs of families.
What does the Parent Forum offer?
The forum offers the Nursery Manager support and challenge in the role of a critical friend. It creates opportunities for parents to talk and to build relationships with one another. Parents have the opportunity to hear how elements of the nursery are growing and to share their thoughts about the care, education and development of the nursery. They may comment on policies and decisions before they are implemented. Parents can raise awareness of issues and concerns and give feedback so that successes can be celebrated together. It also helps promote the nursery to the wider community through fundraising and social events.
The group meets every six weeks and is open to all families who use Incy Wincy’s nursery. Parents can expect a friendly welcome and all views shared will be listened to and respected. During the meeting, Sarah, our Nursery Manager will update members about what has been happening, inviting discussion around new ideas and issues. The forum has a nominated charity for the year and talks about the events planned for the coming months; in 2018, we pledged our support to Bedale Community Library. Individual staff members may also drop in from time to time to outline their roles and the nursery or pre-school projects that they are involved with.
If you have something you would like to share with us but are unable to come along to our next meeting, please write a note and pop it into the Comments and Suggestions box in the entrance foyer.
If you have a specific concern, please do not communicate this through the forum; call, email or come along to the office to speak to Sarah.
Other ways to become involved in nursery life….
Do you have a specific skill? Perhaps you would like to come into nursery during a session to bake with the children, do some gardening with them, read a story or to talk about your job. We would welcome any parents who would like to join the children in their active day.
Who we are:
Parent Representative
Incy Wincy's is looking for more parents to join our fabulous forum. If you have a child or children attending our Nursery, Pre-School or Out of School Club and would like to be a representative on our Parent Forum please get in touch by either popping into the office or emailing sarah.moon-gatford@incywincys.com
Jenny Aspinall
Hi, I'm Jenny, Roo's mum.
Roo is in the new Grasshopper Room and has settled into the new play space quickly.
We live in Aiskew, with his dad, Jordan. I work as a mentor for vulnerable children and young people, designing and carrying out interventions to help remove any social or emotional barriers to their education.
I love that the Parent Forum provides the opportunity for staff to hear parents views, it gives the nursery a nice community feel, makes me feel involved and hopefully I will be able to contribute to some exciting events or future plans for the nursery.