Fond Farewells

Posted on December 24, 2015

As Incy Wincy's closed for Christmas it was time to say a very fond farewell to two of our valued staff team.  For Michelle, as is so often the case for families in the forces it was time to move and settle into life in another part of the country.  While it is always sad for staff to leave I am sure all our families would agreed it is better to have a staff member with Michelle's enthusiasm and knowledge for a short time than not at all. Michelle shared her love of singing and her knowledge of sign language with us each day and we know we will continue to use what we learnt from her.  We wish both her and Ava well in the coming year, we will stay in touch and let you all know how they getting along.  

In the Bumble Bee Room it the time had finally come for Julia to retire, this had been discussed before and then Julia decided she was not quite ready and so a little bit of us hoped she may again change her mind.  However with her new beautiful grandson to keep her busy and all her outside interests we couldn't keep her any longer.  While the staff said their own personal goodbyes at our Christmas meal on 22nd December, all the nursery children gathered on her last day to sing Julia's favourite songs and to present our lady gardener with her own 'Lady Gardener' rose bush on her last day - we just hope she will have room for  it in her garden at home.  We know Julia was very touched by all the lovely comments parents had written in her memory book, reflecting just how much she meant to everyone.  She has promised us she will call in regularly to see how we are doing in the garden and has even offered to do a bit of weeding or digging from time to time. Looking ahead Jess Smith and Ellie Stout will take on the leading role with the RHS school gardening scheme, working with Steve to see what tasty produce we can grow for our yummy menus this year - more about this to follow soon.