Little Foresters

Posted on October 24, 2015

After the success of our Adventure Day at Camp Hill earlier in the summer we were delighted that the owners of this lovely country estate have agreed to us continuing to use the space for our weekly Little Foresters sessions.  

Our fantastic Forest School leader Leanne is leading the sessions with support from Vicky and Stuart.  Initially the sessions are running on Tuesday mornings with groups of 8-10 Dragonfly children being invited to develop their skills and independence over an 8 week period, this will then change to a new group for a further 8 weeks and so on.  

It is lovely to hear the excited chatter of our current Little Foresters each Tuesday as they share their experiences of den building and cooking over the fire pit. The natural environment with all it's seasonal variations ensures that each session is unique and there are always new woodland treasures to discover.The Forest School approach is taken from Scandinavia where it is often said "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing", with this in mind we are investing in good quality outdoor clothing so the children can make the most of the opportunities.  We must also admit that there may be the odd week when the extremes of our British climate present a challenge, specifically very strong winds but we will of course let families know if plans change.

 Leanne is keeping a Little Forester's log book to share with families, it is displayed outside the Dragonfly room so please take a little time to look inside.