All Decked Out (almost!)

Posted on April 25, 2016

Families attending Incy Wincy's will know that we work hard to continually improve the environments and possibilities for children.  A couple of weeks ago work began on a new decked area, Tom our jolly joiner began at the rear of the building.  He has now worked around the side and has begun work on the front which will be continued in the coming week.  A new storage area has been created in the Kitchen Garden allowing us to take down the old shed at the front, while new planters under the windows mean Steve can look forward to just reaching out of his kitchen window to pick salad leaves for lunch!  

Tom our joiner is currently designing a new outside Workshop for the children, this will house the workbench from the Dragonfly Room and have lots of tools and materials for children to construct with.  While the work is being carried out at the front the children can continue to enjoy the other gardens, and of course we can pop out of the gate into the park too.  The staff are counting down to being able to use these new spaces, seeing the children enjoy and benefit from these.