Early Excellence

Posted on January 31, 2016

Driving down the A1 with Karen behind the wheel of the minibus team Incy Wincy's travelled through wind, rain and snow to get to Early Excellence training and resource centre near Huddersfield this weekend.  Our staff team gave up some of their precious Saturday to visit the centre for the first time, seeing the work on display and hearing about the approach at Early Excellence led to alot of discussion amongst our team.  Nursery life at Incy Wincy's is always busy and we value the time to talk together, share new ideas and think about what we can do next for the children we spend our days with.

After our discussion and a delicious lunch each room team worked together, choosing one or two items form the resource centre and thinking about an activity they could introduce to the children at nursery this week. The Bumble Bee team will be sharing there activity with families at the parents evening on Thursday this week, for parents of children in the other rooms please talk to your child's Key Person at this week's Stay & Play sessions if you would like to know more.  We hope you enjoy hearing about our visit and 

Staff said they found the visit...

"thought provoking"

"overwhelming, but inspiring"


"great team building, enjoyed working together on the challenge"

"I love that we get these opportunities, I learn so much from them"

"Excited to get back and get started"