Leaping into Action!

Posted on September 09, 2016

After all the planning, the organising, the decorating and deliveries our Grasshopper Pre-School room is ready to leap into action on Monday.

There are still a few finishing touches do but it would be fair to say everyone at Incy Wincy's is really proud of the play spaces we have created.  With work almost complete we have enjoyed welcoming families to see it for themselves and it is lovely to hear that so many of their children will be joining us in the coming weeks.  For anyone who has not yet registered but is interested in their son or daughter joining our pre-school room please get in touch.  There are morning, afternoon or full day funded sessions available, with wrap around hours for those who need them too.  The play space, hideaway, family room and studio have been designed so that we can offer lots of fun activities that will encourage the children to become confident, independent learners.