Learning through Labelling

Posted on May 25, 2016

The children have been taking their learning outdoors and what better space to support links in their learning than our beautiful Kitchen Garden.  

The children had a bumper number of seedlings this Spring, and now that they have been planted out the danger is that we forget which plants are which.  Deciding they needed to name them, the children set off a few days ago to visit our friends on the Carricks Fruit and Vegetable stall in Bedale Market.  They quickly found and purchased the onions, cabbages, radishes and strawberries (thank you to Carricks for the extra yummy strawberries they popped into the shopping bag), all of which we hope to harvest from the our garden later this summer. After some time looking, talking and asking questions about these the children created their own pictures.  Then linking the letters and sounds in each word they made what we are sure you will agree are very stylish labels. To see more of these please pop into the kitchen garden... now we just need a solution to the sneaky slugs that seem to be eating our cabbages!