Say Cheese!

Posted on April 20, 2016

On Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th May Abi from Wooden Hill images ( will be joining us to take photographs of the children.  A mummy herself and with Early Years experience Abi knows how to capture images of little ones as they are having fun playing.  When our Parent Forum members requested that we arrange for a photo shoot day we were delighted to discover Abi whose philosophy of ‘natural photography using natural light’ links so well to our love of the outdoors.  Abi will be working in our beautiful garden areas, she will be part of our usual nursery day so children's sessions won't be interrupted; allowing them to remain relaxed and to behave naturally.

For children who are not usually in that day we have made time for them to come along with mummy, daddy or a grandparent and have their picture taken, please speak to your child's key person about this.