Science Rangers

Posted on May 04, 2016

Members of our Rangers, Out of School club have joined children from over 8000 other schools and clubs to take part in a project for the Royal Horticultural Society.  The Space Science project sees our Rangers 'embark on a 35-day voyage of discovery to find out what growing plants in space can teach us about life on Earth and whether we can sustain human life in space in the future. Results will be collected and analysed by biostatisticians and published later in 2016, feeding into the real life work going on in space science research' to find out more about the project visit

It seems the project and hearing about Tim Peakes time in space has really grabbed the children's interest, here are some of the things they have said so far...

"I have learnt that over time the space seeds start to germinate, but not all of them grow at the same speed. Even though we treated them the seeds the same most of them have grown differently.  Some of the seeds haven't germinated at all."

"we learnt that every day they change, I think I know which ones went to space I think it is the blue"

The children are now developing their own ideas about growing food in space, designing and modelling their own machines and planets.  Documenting as they go along the Rangers plan to share all their creations and learning when the project is complete.  To find out more about the Rangers Out of School Club please visit