The Hedge has a Haircut

Posted on January 20, 2016

I am sure that many families will notice when they come to nursery today that our hedge has as one child said it had 'a haircut'.  This will look quite noticeable and we wanted to share with you our reasons for this.  

It is part of our longer term maintenance plan for the building and gardens, over many years the hedge has grown very high and as a result of not being cut regularly enough has alot of leggy, dead wood in it.  Last year we planted some new hedge plants to restore the full length after a fence panel had rotted away.  After seeking some advice about the hedge the plan now is to reduce the height, take away the dead wood and let some light back into both the rooms and the gardens particularly the front play space.  As with all plants this will take a little time but we are assured it will be back to being fully green and beautiful during this year, with the new hedge plants now being able to catch up quickly.  A regular maintenance plan is now being put in place so that hedge has regular tender loving care.

Martin Goldsborough will also be looking after the trees in the garden to keep them healthy and to shape them properly meaning that as we look ahead to the summer that we can make the most of the sunshine and shade in our lovely walled gardens.