Special Delivery

Posted on March 07, 2017

It is not unusual for the postman to bring us a box, more often than not these are full of nappies & wipes!  Today was different, the box had what looked like straw poking out of it and a label telling us to 'Take Care: living contents, may have prickles'.  For a moment we considered it may be a pet hedgehog but instead we found a gift from the Royal Horticultural Society to congratulate us on all the work we have done in our Kitchen Garden.  The box contained lots of what they tell us will be lovely fruit bushes - Tayberries, Red Currants, Rhubarb and more.  Inspired by this and the sun shining we have given the greenhouse a spring clean today, ready to begin planting and sowing tomorrow - as always we welcome any gardening tips, currants and berries are new to us!