7 a Day

Posted on June 26, 2018

Families of children in our Dragonfly Room are invited to join the staff and children for a Strawberry Tea Party so they can meet the new members of our Dragonfly team and see how one strawberry provided more than 5 areas of learning.  

Last week we simply asked 'What do you know about Strawberries?' and the floodgates opened!  It turns out that the children know alot, they also had some questions and shared some theories they would like to test.  In true Incy Wincy style we have followed their lead, arranging visits and planning activities to help us find the answers.  One strawberry has led us to link the children's learning to all 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, we look forward to sharing this with you - please RSVP to your invitation as soon as possible so our Star Bakers can plan the teatime treats they would like to serve.