Megan's Mud Makers

Posted on January 25, 2019

A small group of Ladybirds became the very first Incy Wincy Mud Makers this week.  While all the children play freely in the mud kitchen during the week, the new Mud Maker sessions have been planned to support specific skills and will lead our Mud Makers to become Star Bakers in the Dragonfly Room.

For the next 6 weeks on a Wednesday morning our Mud Makers will be pouring, scooping, mixing and measuring as they create their own recipes.  We are taking inspiration from the most beautiful little book 'Mud Pies & other Recipes'; this week as an appetiser we mixed up a 'Wood Chip Dip' and for next weeks soup course are looking forward to 'Mud Puddle Soup'.  If you would like to see how we are linking this to the children's learning please speak to Megan or Chloe.  We look forward to the first class of 2019 completing their mud diploma at the end of February!